All functions

correct_sero_misclass() correct_sero_misclass_p() rogan_gladen_estimator()

Frequentist approaches to correct prevalence under misclassification with a known test


Visualization of proportions


Frequentist approaches to correct prevalence under misclassification with an unknown test


Bayesian serological sampling functions for one or more sub-population and known test performance


Bayesian serological sampling functions for one population and unknown test performance


Tidy output for the Bayesian serological sampling functions for one or more sub-population and known test performance

serosvy_unknown_sample_posterior() serosvy_unknown_sample_posterior_ii()

Tidy output for Bayesian serological sampling functions for one population and unknown test performance

srvyr_prop_step_01() srvyr_prop_step_02() srvyr_prop_step_03() serosvy_proportion()

Workflow to estimate proportion, total population estimates and variability from survey designs

unite_dotwhiskers() serosvy_extract_posterior()

Miscellaneous function